Rob Cosby

Rob Cosby

Rob Cosby is the son of a Baptist pastor and spent most of his life in southern Arizona. He is married to Christine and they have a daughter Keira, and a son Cole. He has a BA in Christian Counseling from Trinity College of the Bible(2005) and an M-Div from Westminster Seminary California(WSC) and a certificate from the Institute of Reformed Baptist Studies (IRBS) (2009).  Robert worked with Grace Covenant Church in Gilbert, AZ after graduating from WSC and prior to that has served as an intern for the Grace Covenant Church of North Olmstead, OH, and the Escondido Reformed Baptist Church of Escondido, CA. Prior to attending seminary he served as the Associate Pastor of the Branded for Christ Baptist Church in Sunsites, AZ. He served with Grace Covenant Church in Gilbert, AZ starting in 2009, and was sent from there as a church planter to Tucson in 2011. In November of 2013 he was called as the first Pastor of Tucson Reformed Baptist Church.